133 research outputs found

    Termination orders for 3-polygraphs

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    This note presents the first known class of termination orders for 3-polygraphs, together with an application.Comment: 4 pages, 12 figure

    Homology of Gaussian groups

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    We describe new combinatorial methods for constructing an explicit free resolution of Z by ZG-modules when G is a group of fractions of a monoid where enough least common multiples exist (``locally Gaussian monoid''), and, therefore, for computing the homology of G. Our constructions apply in particular to all Artin groups of finite Coxeter type, so, as a corollary, they give new ways of computing the homology of these groups

    Termination orders for 3-dimensional rewriting

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    This paper studies 3-polygraphs as a framework for rewriting on two-dimensional words. A translation of term rewriting systems into 3-polygraphs with explicit resource management is given, and the respective computational properties of each system are studied. Finally, a convergent 3-polygraph for the (commutative) theory of Z/2Z-vector spaces is given. In order to prove these results, it is explained how to craft a class of termination orders for 3-polygraphs.Comment: 30 pages, 35 figure

    Soft linear logic and polynomial time

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    AbstractWe present a subsystem of second-order linear logic with restricted rules for exponentials so that proofs correspond to polynomial time algorithms, and vice versa

    Two polygraphic presentations of Petri nets

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    This document gives an algebraic and two polygraphic translations of Petri nets, all three providing an easier way to describe reductions and to identify some of them. The first one sees places as generators of a commutative monoid and transitions as rewriting rules on it: this setting is totally equivalent to Petri nets, but lacks any graphical intuition. The second one considers places as 1-dimensional cells and transitions as 2-dimensional ones: this translation recovers a graphical meaning but raises many difficulties since it uses explicit permutations. Finally, the third translation sees places as degenerated 2-dimensional cells and transitions as 3-dimensional ones: this is a setting equivalent to Petri nets, equipped with a graphical interpretation.Comment: 28 pages, 24 figure

    Intensional properties of polygraphs

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    We present polygraphic programs, a subclass of Albert Burroni's polygraphs, as a computational model, showing how these objects can be seen as first-order functional programs. We prove that the model is Turing complete. We use polygraphic interpretations, a termination proof method introduced by the second author, to characterize polygraphic programs that compute in polynomial time. We conclude with a characterization of polynomial time functions and non-deterministic polynomial time functions.Comment: Proceedings of TERMGRAPH 2007, Electronic Notes in Computer Science (to appear), 12 pages, minor changes from previous versio

    The three dimensions of proofs

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    In this document, we study a 3-polygraphic translation for the proofs of SKS, a formal system for classical propositional logic. We prove that the free 3-category generated by this 3-polygraph describes the proofs of classical propositional logic modulo structural bureaucracy. We give a 3-dimensional generalization of Penrose diagrams and use it to provide several pictures of a proof. We sketch how local transformations of proofs yield a non contrived example of 4-dimensional rewriting.Comment: 38 pages, 50 figure

    A folk model structure on omega-cat

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    We establish a model structure on the category of strict omega-categories. The constructions leading to the model structure in question are expressed entirely within the scope of omega-categories, building on a set of generating cofibrations and a class of weak equivalences as basic items. All object are fibrant while cofibrant objects are exactly the free ones. Our model structure transfers to n-categories along right-adjoints, for each n, thus recovering the known cases n = 1 and n = 2.Comment: 33 pages, expanded version of the original 17 pages synopsis, new sections adde

    Orientals as free algebras

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    The aim of this paper is to give an alternative construction of Street's cosimplicial object of orientals, based on an idea of Burroni that orientals are free algebras for some algebraic structure on strict ω\omega-categories. More precisely, following Burroni, we define the notion of an expansion on an ω\omega-category and we show that the forgetful functor from strict ω\omega-categories endowed with an expansion to strict ω\omega-categories is monadic. By iterating this monad starting from the empty ω\omega-category, we get a cosimplicial object in strict ω\omega-categories. Our main contribution is to show that this cosimplicial object is the cosimplicial objects of orientals. To do so, we prove, using Steiner's theory of augmented directed chain complexes, a general result for comparing polygraphs having same generators and same linearized sources and targets.Comment: 28 page

    Graph Creation, Visualisation and Transformation

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    We describe a tool to create, edit, visualise and compute with interaction nets - a form of graph rewriting systems. The editor, called GraphPaper, allows users to create and edit graphs and their transformation rules using an intuitive user interface. The editor uses the functionalities of the TULIP system, which gives us access to a wealth of visualisation algorithms. Interaction nets are not only a formalism for the specification of graphs, but also a rewrite-based computation model. We discuss graph rewriting strategies and a language to express them in order to perform strategic interaction net rewriting
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